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Interview Techniques

An interview is two-way! It’s as much about you deciding if the opportunity is right for you, as it is for your potential employer to select you from the other candidates.

First Impressions Really Do Count

Statistics show that first impressions are determined by:

  • 55% The way you dress, act, and walk through the door
  • 38% The quality of your voice, grammar and confidence
  • 7% The words you choose to say

Before the Interview

  • Review the LinkedIn company page and other social media pages for their latest postings and company developments
  • Look at their reviews on Glass Door
  • Google the company name to see if they’ve been mentioned in the media recently
  • Look at the company website, particularly the news section, client testimonials and careers page. This will give you a good insight into how they operate and what it will be like working there. How do they engage with employees?

Advantage of Working with an Agency

By working closely with your Consultant, you’ll have the advantage of their inside knowledge. They’ve probably placed people there already and will be to tell you about the team and company culture, and why they think you’ll enjoy working there.

Obvious, but worth mentioning...

  • Check your journey/route
  • Never arrive late!
  • Your dress code default should be a suit and smartly pressed accessory wear
  • Switch off your mobile ‘phone before you enter the building
  • Always let the interviewer finish speaking before you answer
  • Avoid talking about work conflict and discrediting your current/previous employers
  • Make eye contact with the interviewer and smile as you greet them with a warm and firm handshake
  • Take your time answering questions, speak clearly and at a steady pace


If you’d like a detailed “Cameo Interview Pack - Don’t “wing” it!” - call us on 01295 680800. This useful pack covers the best questions to ask the interviewer, the most common interview questions you’ll be asked, what employers are looking for, who is interviewing you and more!

You can find many more useful suggestions and tips in our candidate newsletter, please click the download link below.

Download Candidate Newsletter Spring Summer 2017