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Cameo Team Articles

Could your recruitment process be holding you back?

I know this is an age old argument, but in a candidate led market could your process be the reason you miss out on top... Read more

You're Not Wanted

“You’re not wanted”. What a teeth-clenching, bone shuddering statement of rejection. How would you feel if you were... Read more

What does "Who've you got on your books" mean?

“Who’ve you got on your books?”. If I had a penny for every time I’ve been asked this question, I’d be able to build a... Read more

10 most annoying office phrases

Are you guilty of any of these phrases? Perhaps now's the time to think of a new phrase which doesn't put you in the... Read more

Why qualifications don’t need to be the most important driver

I have a good friend, who after thirty years progressing his career with one company (a significant, global brand), is... Read more