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Cameo Team Articles

Five important factors to consider when hiring

Have you secured sign off on the role? It may sound an obvious first point, however as a recruiter we see this... Read more

Jobs Recovery Tracker: Number of new job adverts ramps up after final COVID restrictions lifted

    In the first week of August, there were 1.65 million active job adverts in the UK There were around... Read more

Graduates face highest unemployment rate since austerity era

Unemployment among recent graduates has risen to levels last seen during the austerity era, with young people worst... Read more

"Where are you all hiding?"

This is top the conversation most of us recruiters and employers are having right now. From having months of managing... Read more

Recommended Reads!

The Miracle Morning, The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8am If you get up before 8am this is for... Read more